Surfboard Art Created with Acrylic, Water, Epoxy, Oil & Ink

“I am The Wave”

“Joyful Octopus”

“Gentle Wave”

“Magical Mermaid”

“The Power”

“Mega Wave”

Jolan Gamblin


A True believer of Miracles, lover of Art & My Freedom. My Art is a divine Expression of the visual experience I am witnessing & the Energies surrounding Me cultivating that experience. Always surrendering to the essence of the thoughtless moment at the moment, creating in Illusionary time.
Multiple degrees in Fine Art, graphic design, business & psychology. Past owner of many successful businesses, in Miami, Tennessee & Florida. Extensive Third world Missionary and Spiritual volunteer. Single Mother of 2 gifted children and recent Grandmother of 2 delightful babes.
My Art is like riding a Rip curl Wave….trusting the power propelling me forward, Always creating in the now, living The Course in Miracles, Samadhi and clinging to nothing. Please enjoy my large & small surf boards, together we Are the Wave.